孔子的那句:“名不正、則言不順,言不順、則事不成”... ,並且根據這句經典延伸出的一個成語:名正言順!
一個好的名字,是一個企業、一種產品擁有的一筆永久性的精神財富。 一個好名字能時時喚起人們美好的聯想,

"國際名家具展覧會" 2015東莞名家具展展㕔設計
展㕔參展客戶: 中國运时通家具集团
設計概念: 天圓地方
Free work to win a project -- You say: Thanks, but no thanks…
The client asks a design firm to do free work to win a project, don’t be offended to say No. Not saying it because
we’re lazy, or arrogant, or think we’re too important for all that.
Just saying it because it’s not the right way to go about getting the best end result for you – the client.
如何解釋「標誌 」和「品牌 」之區別?
Brand Identity (Logo) & Branding
Imagine you're invited to a party. There will be lots of
important guests attending and it's vital that you give a good impression.
Thing you would do is to look as good as you can so you catch the eye and make
an entrance… that is your brand identity... your hair, clothes, shoes.
Branding, however, only becomes visible when you start talking, when your
character and personality shine through. Your appearance and presentation,
then your brand identity and branding have the perfect relationship to leave a
lasting and positive impression. ...
「品牌 」就是當你接觸別人時,你們開始談論,表達、事情分析…的時候, 你是用你的 「標誌 」來吸引他人的目光以達到銷售你「品牌 」的目的.
那麼你的標誌和品牌是互為因果, 也可留下一個持久的,積極的印象。
「標誌 」是「品牌 」的代表。它必須傳達品牌的內涵。而「品牌 」是一個完整的方案,
New York Design New Appointment
New York Design appointed to create and design a new identity
for 富邦移民顧問 Goodwill Immigration Consultants (GICL); following a competitive
pitch against two other agencies.
Kate Kay L., director of Goodwill
Immigration Consultants, said of the appointment: “We chose New York Design as
our design and brand consultant because their response to our brief showed a
real understanding of the brand and how our services and our professional
expertise can be reflected into the competitive market, giving GICL stand out
from the others."
紐約設計顧問公司 獲美國著名設計書籍出版商 Davis E. Carter 青睞,刊載紐約設計顧問公司
之設計作品,其中包括 遠東國際商業銀行及深圳騰富科技電子企業識別設計。該書籍並成為其公司歷史性的第一本數位電子書,成為雲端化的一份。 另
遠東國際商業銀行的設計,更在美國一知名出版集團 Crescent Hill Publication 所出版的 Damn Good Design
一書,被納入為該最佳創意示範及設計心得文章之一。 好事成雙,深圳騰富科技電子獲 Desigg.com
如何選擇合適的品牌顧問/平面設計公司... 《觀點與角度》
Finding The RIGHT Graphic Design Company
The first impression, as you know, constitutes the chance of
success in your business. Graphic Design highlights your value and, if done
properly, will increase sales and revenue beyond imagination. When you are
ready for professional graphic design work, whether the choice is using a
graphic design agency or independent graphic designer, it is important to
consider the three most critical aspects in Design Portfolio, Experience and
Customer Testimonials. Remember, graphic design is an essential part of your
business. [...] ...
元大金控公關簡介 -- 簽約委任紐約設計顧問執行設計及編制
元大金融控股份有限公司簽約 NEW YORK DESIGN
IR Manager,陳姿妙小姐示。
簡介製作並轉換成電子書版本可讓讀者使用平版電腦或智慧型手機掃描 QR Code
Macronix International Co., Ltd. Corporate Identity
graphic work converted into Digital format
Macronix International Co., Ltd., one of our very first
clients (1988), is by far the one with which we have the most
project assignment and business relationship, gradually expanding over the
course of time...
Industrial Technology Research Institute
(ITRI) 台灣工業技術研究院
Champion Consulting Corporation
Caesar Technology Inc. 鑫成科技股份有限公司
Aetas Peripheral Corporation 新釆科技股份有限公司 ...
What a CUSTOMER! Thank you to you Dr.
Ding-Hua Hu. And YES we did
What makes New York Design qualified to be your design
Biography of Michael LAMSON, Principle Designer…
Michael LAMSON was born in Hong Kong, graduated from the
Visual Art Academy. After working in Hong Kong from View-Point Graphic and
Advision Ltd. He moved to Taiwan in 1979 and based himself in Taipei. In the
first years, Michael worked with some leading agency -- Grand Advertising
Ltd., Cambridge Advertising International and Representative for Johnston
International US and Asiaweek Inc.
In July 1983, Michael formed a
partnership with Phil Lawlor a graduate designer from Rochester Institute of
Technology established the first western design firm in Taiwan NEW YORK DESIGN
Some of the companies they develops communication for include
MXIC, Industrial Technology & Research Institute, Far Eastern Int’l Bank,
Stylution Group, ASE Group, Lite-On Group, Yuanta Financial Holdings and
Chinese Petroleum Corporation…
Michael’s work has been featured in
international publications and won numerous industry awards -- David E. Carter
Bright Design Book; Crescent Hill Publication; Desigg.com; Design Journal …