Branding, Makeover, Reinvent 品牌形象、品牌策畧丶品牌行銷
BRAND is priceless,   BRANDING is how you made it valuable...
Taiwan Stock Exchange 臺 灣 證 券 交 易 所
TWSE - Brand Makeover / Brand & Visual Identity
Far Eastern Int'l Bank 遠 東 國 際 商 業 銀 行
Branding 1991 and Makeover 2010: Branding / Brand & Visual Identity / Rebranding (9-Year Customer Relations)
Fund Rich Securities Co., Ltd. 基 富 通 證 券 股 份 有 限 公 司
Brand Identity / Brand & Visual Identity / Web Architecture / Brand Management & Consultant 2016-2017 (2-Year)
Stylution International (China) Corporation 運時通家具集團 / 中国运时通控股集团
Branding / Brand Identity / Brand & Visual Identity / Brand Management & Consultant (20-Year Customer Relations)
USA GinsengPro - New York, USA 美國野山花旗參/美國威斯康辛州花旗參
Brand / Branding / Visual Identity / Pack Systems / Brand Consultant
Van Vorst Mattress, Blue Ocean Sleep, San Diago USA
Reinvent / Branding / Brand & Visual Identity / Website Development
Bai Win Mercantile Corp. (HK) Ltd. 百 韻 古 今 傢 俱 文 物 飾 品
Brand Identity / Visual Identity / Shop Front Enviornment
CFP Technology Corporation 騰 富 科 技 股 份 有 限 公 司
Branding / Makeover / Corporate Identity / Marketing Elements
A branding program is
more than a collection of
well designed pieces.,
it's an ongoing exercise in
variation on the theme
and implementation...
品牌設計、品牌形象、企業識別系統...等,其執行項目及程序,主要取決於品牌策略、定位、 客戶需求及預算而定...
Developing a brand strategy can be one of the most difficult steps in creating and establishing the uniqueness of the Corporate Identity and marketing plan process. It's often the one element that causes most businesses the biggest challenge, but it's a vital step in creating the company identity.
Strong brands require careful thought and planning, extensive research, specific definition, test-driving, astute execution and attentive maintenance. We've developed these comprehensive steps to ensure the success of the brand effort.