台 灣 歷 史 悠 久 的 專 業 品 牌 顧 問 - 成 立 於 1983 年

How a company appears,
the visual expressions
of its identity, determine
in a large measure how the
company and its products
are valued by its clients.


New York Design, design solutions that make sense since 1983.

紐約設計品牌顧問/林子翔品牌顧問有限公司,成立於1983年,在台灣是歷史悠久的專業品牌及平面設計顧問。由來自香港的林顯棋 (Michael Lamson); 和美國的 羅俊逸 (Phil Lawlor) 所創辦。過去 40 多年來,紐約設計品牌顧問提供包括視覺設計顧問,品牌發展, 品牌策略, 企業識別,年報/電子年報設計,網頁視覺設計,空間設計顧問等... 專業服務予各類型企業及機構。

紐約設計品牌顧問之優質服務獲得客戶一致的肯定與讚賞,設計案例中有許多企業是目前兩岸甚至全球性的領導品牌。如:臺灣證券交易所,遠東國際商業銀行, 元大金融控股,基富通證券,工業技術研究院,臺灣集保結算所,台北歐洲商務協會,光寶集團,中國運時通傢具集團,日月光集團,中國石油等... 工作成品常被國際性刊物及設計雜誌所報導。

Founded in 1983, New York Design is a brand & graphic design consultant based in Taiwan. Since our inception, we have been known to produce high valued design solutions that make sense, hallmark by clarity and simplicity.

We believe in an integrated approach, that combines superior strategic thinking, world-class design, and professional implementation. As a result, our clients benefited from cohesive and compelling corporate communication programs. No single component dominates our approach. Designers frequently play leading role in devising strategies and our project managers have been empowered to release their creativity and contribute to the effectual design solution. Each team member is deeply committed to the expected success of our clients.

We take great pride in being able to provide clean and elegant solutions to complicated issues submitted that are integral to successful campaigns.. This is our design philosophy : Simple is the Solution and Simple is Smart.

New York Design had received numerous recognition and accolades. Our works has also appeared in some of the major international publications and graphic journals.